Nectar Covid 19 Risk Assessment Summary and Safe Operating Procedures

Our number one priority is the safety, health and wellbeing of our colleagues and their families, our customers and communities where we operate. We have conducted a comprehensive COVID-19 risk assessment and the practices associated with our operations, with the aim of safeguarding the workplace environment, working closely with colleagues across the business to establish the most effective solutions.

Some of the key measures we've introduced include the following:

· Enhanced hygiene practices, including installing additional sanitising facilities on our site, issued all employees with their own personal hand sanitiser, strengthening of hand washing protocols and increased signage at all hand washing stations. We have also increased the cleaning regimes.

· Implemented social distancing measures We've reviewed and introduced, staggering of start times, finish times, work-breaks. We have re-designed office spaces to provide suitable social distancing between workstations, we've also put in place one-way systems within our warehouse. Finally, for interactions with those outside the business we have implemented processes for contactless deliveries wherever possible.

· Specific delivery instructions and guidance to safeguard our transport team, including enhanced cleaning arrangements for vehicles, allocating a driver(s) to a specific vehicle to ensure distancing is maintained e.g. via single delivery driver routes or a buddying system.

· Awareness measures including an updated Employee Health and Safety Induction pack to include COVID-19 related arrangements, and providing business critical information via email and our HR platform.

· All non-essential site visits and contractor work have been suspended. Where needed, dedicated visitor and contractor instructions are in place, for example the additional cleaning/sanitising of our office.

· Protective equipment: where appropriate we have made personal protective equipment (PPE) available to all of our staff, for their optional use should they wish to use it. This includes hand sanitiser, rubber gloves, face coverings and antibacterial wipes/sprays for cleaning equipment e.g. laptops, phones, vehicle touch points.

Call the sales office on 01747 827030 or email ku/oc/reebihasa//selasratcen

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